Mini Movers (age 3 to 5)
Our Mini Movers program is offered to boys and girls ages 3 to 5. The preschool classes are forty five minutes. The class combines creative movement, rhythm and motor skills and basic ballet terminology through creative activities. Children have fun and benefit greatly, improving their rhythm, coordination and balance. Dancers move to fun songs and use props. All new dancers are provided, at no additional cost, a personal prop box and supplies for class. Girls wear a pink leotard, pink tights and pink ballet slippers, while boys wear black shorts or pants, a white t-shirt and bare foot or black ballet slippers.
Our toddler and preschool programs are specially designed to provide children between 2 and 5 years of age with a strong foundation in dance and movement. It teaches the young dancer the basic elements of movement and dance. The class explores space and how we relate to it, the eight basic locomotor movements, musical rhythm and beat, opposites and directions and some elementary positions of ballet. Integrated with these physical concepts are the intellectual concepts of self-awareness, creative expression, imagination, team work and basic body/health awareness. Through participation in these classes, students also learn the basics of classroom behavior and manners, which remain the same throughout their dancing years. These concepts include learning how to take turns, following another dancer or leading the way, waiting patiently, working together with others and having a positive attitude. Educators now know that training children in these young children in the concepts of movement sequencing, patterning, and spatial relationships lays a strong foundation for later development of reading, mathematics and other educational skills. Children in our program work actively in all these areas and have FUN!!